BBNaija - The Kemen Incident and My Take on it.

Big Brother Naija, a show known for its gross immorality and lewd scenes disqualified a participant for being immoral. The irony, I know right? You all know who that housemate is by now. Our brother in the lord, Kemen. The reason being that he was caught on camera groping and sexually harassing Tboss in her sleep. The gist of it has gotten so popular that there's now a new phrase called kemening someone. I don't really have to explain that do I?
Ever since he got into the house, the guy had been trying his luck with anything that has a vajay to see where he would fit his dirty agenda into. He had always been a very thirsty nigga. People who watch the show should know. Not out of line, I guess, given the kind of show he was participating in but he just didn't know when not to cross the line.
I saw the video footage. What Kemen did was obviously wrong. He also knew what he was about to do what wrong which is why he looked around to see if anyone was watching before proceeding. Probably he wanted to try his luck and see if Tboss would have gone with the flow but instead she rolled over on her side and turned.
Do you even know what disturbs me the most in this particular discussing? The fact that women are supposedly saying it is all TBoss's fault. Mind you, I am not a fan of TBoss. I don't like her as a housemate. But if we are going to be honest with ourselves especially as women, we have to call a spade a spade. Someone once said women are the beginning of their own problems and as sad as that is I can't help but agree. I don't get why it should be women that are justifying his actions. For big brother, to disqualify him, with all the lewd and semi porn activities that are allowed as 'entertainment' in the house, it shows that there is a very fine line between sexual interaction based on consent and outright harassment.
Also for y'all saying she turned in her sleep when he did it, she was said to be allegedly drunk. Do you know that sleep especially sleep under the influence of alcohol can be compared to being in a coma like state? You're so numb to your surroundings and that is why most drunk people barely know how they got to their beds when they wake up. They barely even remember what happened while they were drunk.
Sexual harassment is wrong. For a lot of women to be defending Kemen saying that TBoss seduced him, it shows how much damaged goods they really are. Y'all have been accepting shit from the men in your lives so much, y'all have lost your sense of judgement.
Now if it turns out TBoss knew and decided to use it to oust Kemen out of the house instead, that is a different case. The truth always comes out. We will find out later. However, that is not the case right now.
So, I am going to say this again, without consent, you have a case of sexual harassment. No doesn't mean yes, maybe doesn't mean yes, turning your butt cheek to the other side doesn't mean yes. Yes is only yes when the person says yes or probably nods their heads. Don't be a victim. Stay Woke.


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