'Tolerance and Acceptance' - The LGBT crew and apologists' mantra and the fault wherein.

I set off a liberal snowflake's trigger senses a few days back when I noticed a picture of two gay men and in the usual fashion of what I did when I saw something interesting, brought it to my WhatsApp story with a caption that showed how annoyed as heel I was that those two gorgeous men were gay and how it was a 'waste'. The person went off on how they were on their own, minding their business and I decided to shame them. Not in the mood to get into a ruckus with the person, I just said okay and let it pass. However my own trigger senses were set off.

What had intially been meant to be a joke on how fine the gay men were and unavailable to women, turned into something else. It had turned into a wake-up moment for those who were able to look past the wool of liberality cloaking their eyes, those who were not just jumping on the bandwagon of being 'woke', to analyse these things critically.

The liberals are fond of asking everyone for tolerance and acceptance of sexual perversions which are not normal or natural but are gaining traction due to media sensationalization - both print, online and social media - shoving it down our throats at every turn and you complain once about it, then you're the enemy.

Tolerance and acceptance while we watch our children being indoctrinated into the folly of their morally debased sexual perversions. 'Tolerance and acceptance' while we watch pedophiles who should be locked up in cages somewhere demand for rights since they view themselves as part of the LGBT community. 'It's a sexuality' they are claiming while other members of the LGBT community are 'seemingly' openly against it and denouncing them, pushing the narrative that it is a propaganda being pushed by the alt-right group and anti-lgbt groups to in a bid to delegitimise the whole community.

They claim that being gay/lesbian/trangender is not a conscious choice; the way people are born straight is the way people are born with homosexual tendencies and urges as well as feelings that they were born into the wrong gender group. Pedophilia on the other hand is a conscious choice made by people to sleep with children. The argument of consent and lack of it also came up as reasons to solidify their stance on their actions.

What a way to swing it! Either ways, propaganda or not, it was only a matter of time before the situation got to this. Conservatives who have been outspoken against the immorality of the whole movement have always known it was going to be a matter of time before everyone else with a perversion demands to get a seat at the table.

What next is it going to be? Are we going to legitimize incest? How about zoophilia and bestiality?
What of those that commit the abominable act of sleeping with the dead? Will necrophilia be a thing to be accepted as well? How far do we go before it becomes too much? At what point in time do we draw the line?

Personally, I do not have anything against homosexuals as human beings. They are people, humans like me, and I will not go about stoning them or stabbing them or reacting violently towards them because I do not agree with their life choices and lifestyle. What I am totally against is the act in which they commit, the homosexual act in itself. I find it very disturbing and discomfiting and unnatural. It excuses all level of common sense and will never be appealing to me. Also, as for gender reassignment brouhaha and whatnot, the same applies. It is unnatural, not normal and makes absolutely no sense whatever.

I am speaking from a position of a person who believes that the creation happened, that God exists, that he made us male and female with a sexuality that allows us to procreate as well as for pleasure -which a male-and-male or a female-and-female can not do. Also that he is perfect and nothing he does is a mistake hence he didn't assign any given person the 'wrong' gender.

Let's also not forget that he also explicitly stated that homosexuality is a sin. Which is why I find a certain group of members of the LGBT group really 'adorable' - the gay/lesbian Christians. That would be a discussion for another day however as I have shaken quite a number of tables with this venting of mine.

So what do you think? What are your opinions? I would love to read them in the comment section.
BTW, don't forget to subscribe to my blog.
I have a project I am working on which will be made public real soon.
Till the next time. Cheers 😊😘


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