The ‘Special Someone' Belief- Illusion or Not?

Image Credit: Google Images.

What do fairy tales like ‘Cinderella’, ‘Sleeping Beauty’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ have in common in their story lines? The happily ever after ending with the characters ending up with their ‘special someone’; Poor Cinderella with Prince charming, Sleeping Beauty with her white horse riding sleep-awakening prince handsome and Beast with Belle who had turned him turning into a handsome prince by giving him a kiss ‘true love’s first kiss’.

As a result of watching these cartoons as a children, somewhere deep inside of us we have this little voice in us telling us that somewhere, somehow, there’s that special someone set aside specially for us meant for just us and us especially we ladies. 

The question that arises from the rational part of our brain, the part that deals with facts and reasoning not blind belief becomes “Is there such thing as the ‘special someone’? If so what makes that someone ‘the special someone’? Is it because you two just seem to click? Because the two of them share the same interests or tastes or likes? Is it because they love doing the same things?  

Well if you were to ask me, I would say I don’t know.

I don’t know about you guys but my parents got married after less than 6 months of meeting each other and they are still together till now. Guess how old I am? About twenty years old. Twenty years or more married and still counting. This means that from the beginning they did click. However, does this mean they were specially made for each other? That my dad is my mum’s special someone and vice versa? I wouldn’t know. But what I do know is that they do have differences and they share different interests. This I can say authoritatively because I stay in the same house with them and despite these differences in tastes, interests and other things, they have been together till now.

Maybe what makes someone another person’s ‘special someone’ i.e. the person specially made for you and is ‘meant’ for you is the fact that no matter what happens, no matter the differences in interests and tastes and likes, you two are going to stick together and work it out. But that’s just a way to look at it.

Therefore, until we find out and understand what makes a person someone else’s ‘special someone’, I would like to think the belief in being fated and destined to be with a ‘special someone’ is just some silly cartoon-planted idea that we somehow refuse to let go off because it makes us feel good and give us some form of hope and closure when we get heartbroken. Maybe we would realize that we make the person we want to be special our ‘special someone’.

Like I told someone who asked me that question and gave me the idea of using this as a blog post, if you find that special someone, please come and tell me where you found them so that I can also go there and grab my own copy. What? Don’t look so shocked, the fact that I think that the special someone belief is a silly idea doesn’t mean I don’t still believe in it duh? A girl is allowed to dream and keep her childhood fantasies alive isn’t she?

Anyways that’s my two cents on this. What do you think? Do you believe there’s a special someone out there made for you? If so why? Please let us know through your comments. I will be waiting for your responses. *Kisses*


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